Monday, August 24, 2009

Mein Berlin!!

Schön!! Ich habe's geschafft!! Ich habe 'nen Platz auf 'nem Studentenwohnheim gekriegt, also ich muss mich keine Sorge mehr machen! Ich habe irgendwo zum schlafen, als ich nach Berlin ankomme --nächster September!!!

Immer noch, das Wohnheim ist ganz im Zentrum meines lieblingten Bezirkes Berlins! Der heißt Friedrichschain! Dort gibt's so viele tolle sache! Auf dieser Karte habe ich hingestellt die Sodersache die ich schon kenne, und auch mein neues Haus! Hier wird es neue Sache geben sobald ich neue Erlebnise erfahre :P!

Mein Berlin! auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Cool, man! I got it!!! I've gotten a place at a Students Residence, so I don't need to worry anymore!! I've got somewhere to sleep when I arrive to Berlin --next September!!!

Even better!! The residence is placed in the middle of my favorite district of Berlin! This is Friedrichschain!! There are so many fantastic things in there!! At this map I've set the many wonderful places I do already know, and also my new Haus! There will be new stands as soon as I got there and new adventures happen to me :P!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bye Bye, Elvira!

Al pasar las montañas del norte las nubes caen como cortinas pesadas cerrando los ojos. Puedo alargar la mano con la palma abierta hacia Granada y sentir los últimos rayos de sol que se me escapan como sombras. Puedo sentir el vértigo entre nosotros el aire seco y los kilómetros. Puedo sentir los campos duros y euclídeos que quise sembrar de gominolas para ti. Puedo sentir el frío en la nuca del tiempo y girarme entre la gente, elevar la vista sobre un horizonte de cabezas que no me dejan encontrarte y apretarme fuerte el corazón contener la respiración y esperar que me grites, que rompas la tabla de piedra rasa que nos separa. Espero que me agarres y me arrastres al Sur y no me sueltes y soltarme yo el corazón y dejarlo latir o caer al suelo.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Fish within my Hands

This is the place where I spent most of the summers of my life! Here I knew my very best shefriend Luchi, with whom I do still hung around when we both meet at the same city. I also had my sexual awakening, though I didn't know it was such thing...

I shared the summer time with my family: uncles & aunts, cousins, my mother, my grandparents...

We do still meet there. I don't go as often as before, now just some weekends; but much of my family does. Today it was a great day: we met almost everyone. I ate, slept a siesta, woke up, read the newspaper, went to the beach, laid down on the sand, talked a while with my cousins, made some postmodernist sand castles...

I swam along the shore. I love to do it naked, but today I didn't. Stopped swimming to talk to my cousin, who was approaching the water. In that moment a fish came and talked to me. I know he was talking to me, he had something to say. Swam all straight and touched my trunks, over and over again.
-Hey! There a fish in here --my cousin didn't want to come into the water.
I closed my hands around the fish. The fish came and kissed my hands. I moved all the way to the shore with the fish dancing within my hands. I knew the fish was from Torre del Mar and had come for me to dace a little bit with him. I showed it to my cousin, who wanted me to bring the fish home with me; but I released him. He swam up to the floor and faded away. I knew he'd returned to Torre del Mar, and I danced to wave goodbye into the sea.