Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Joy and Change

    These are days of joy and change :D

    Change (and also joy) because I'm moving form Berlin to Barcelona to begin working at the complex systems laboratory, at the Pompeu Fabra University. It's a great challenge what I'm facing here: deep scientific questions, enriching people and amazing projects alongside!!

   Joy (but also change just to make everything symmetrical) because a previous work of mine (The importance of interlinguistic similarity and stable bilingualism when two languages compete, authored by Jorge Mira Pérez --site in Spanish only--, by me, and by Juan José Nieto Roig --can't find a fine web profile...--; here for a popular account of the work) has been awarded the Galician critics prize in the category of Investigation.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Each night I try to rip it off, to rip off my mind. To find the exact one or two fibers which will give me the novacaine I need, the stuff i've been looking for. And it's always kind of a neuron which lies exactly outside my brain, exactly at my ears; and which sings something which has already been sung before, which was already to say and for ever: 

And try to sing this without crying!! The world has just been told for ever!!