Monday, March 9, 2009

For free

Nice to attend a University and perceive that your efforts are appreciated. Nice to have Profs who want you to make some work on advanced topics and possibly to have them published in whatever-it's-called-that-scientific-review. Then you don't care not paying attention to your lectures, you don't care not doing the exercises for other Profs because you're going to publish something!! Amazing!! You might be useful for the world eventually.

But of course you're doing it for free: no money if you've not title yet. And you must be thanked because you have the chance, a great chance. The Prof will dispose of you as s/he wish and put and take away the work on/from you whenever s/he wants. You'll make a properly research work... indeed, the work the Prof was to make. Her/his name'll be of course the first and you may be happy if you are 3th or 4th...

Luckily, my tutor in my home university is not like that; but here, in Granada, many masters think they own the world...

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