Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And why not?

Today I opened my blogger account and I found this link. Yeah, about monetizing my blog and all this shite... capitalism and so on... But then I though: alright, I sometimes write reports about books I've read and maybe someone is buying this book because of my recommendation --though I don't believe anyone actually follows this blog...--. And if this happens, and the seller things that me providing the recommendation is worth some cents... what the hell: why wouldn't I take the reward? Even more, if I don't, then the seller is profiting from my comments for free...

And so, since I like a lot Amazon because they bring you the books up to the door of your home quite quickly and at very cheap prices; I decided, I'm monetizing the blog a little bit.

To be fair with my self, my future self, and my self before; I promise I'll try to find also links to freely download the 'products' --it's kind of hard for me to say that some books are just products...-- I recommend :)


dedan said...

hey, did you ever hear about flattr.com.

Just heard about it recently and I totally love this idea.

see you later

Brigan said...

Hey, this is great!! Thanks :)

I've also found this tool: http://www.kickstarter.com/

kind of though for the people to get founding to start their projects. It's great such things are developing :)