Friday, December 25, 2009

What were all those controls for, actually??

Last time I flew (2 weeks ago), when I arrived at SQC airport a nice poster said: "scanners can see what you can't!! Congrats: 50 years of Europe Federation of Customs. " There stayed the shadow of a bomb behind suitcases and other airport-stuff. Great!! Scanners see what I can't... shit... then why do I need to take my shoes off each time before walking into the plane??

The jest goes further, when Europe Union --without any authority (they didn't ask me and they aren't even my government!!)-- comes to a deal with the US government to share private data of the passengers! To share information which even within the Europe Union was absolutely forbidden for an airline to share with anyone but the passenger her/himself. Shit! But great! We are free from the threat of international terrorism!!

Wait a... what the hell??? Today a guy tried to blow up an airplane in Detroit? How was it possible?? To go through all those controls... maybe he was a citizen who suddenly became crazy, and thus there's no criminal record which would hold back his travel... or... no, shit... he was not!! This guy is related to Al-Qaeda and his name appears in the lists of many terrorist organizations, says FBI... shit!! What the... Maybe US government should come to a kind of deal with those terrorist organizations so that they would kindly share the names and sexual orientations of the terrorists they have available... as well as they do with the dangerous European citizens...

Eh, you guy!! Wake up! Those controls and deals between EU ad US were not to prevent international terrorism... They just wanted to hinder our freedom... Kid! Kid! You there yet?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Becoming pirate...

As I was a child my family didn't have a lot of money and access to certain culture was very exceptional. I remember my grandpa's books and a few tunes played in the radio. Some year my mother gave me one tape as birthday present, but I didn't have access to some pieces that should be compulsory for every one to listen (e.g. Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon). I figure out my life would've felt much more complete if I had discovered music as I was a child and not two years ago, as I did.
By that time it was usual --and alright-- that the kids would copy those magnetic tapes with the most popular tunes for their friends, thus more people would listen the music and more people would like to go to the concerts. The law was alright, as this chain would eventually suppose a great money for labels and artists and the phenomenon was not sooo generalized.

Sudently the labels want make us think that copying a work is to steal even when no benefit is obtained. Powerful companies want to drive the laws chosen by the people so that they can keep their benefits, although their work might not be necessary anymore.
I believe that internet might become the implementation of the democracy and the actual realization of many rights difficult to implement though other means --e.g. free access to culture.
I do so and therefore I become myself a provider of "pirate" links. According to the soon-coming Spanish regulations on maintainable economy, my web site should be censored without any need of judicial award, thus violating many fundamental rights of mine compiled in the Spanish constitution, which now seem to be of less importance than copyrights.

Please feel free to (and do it!) use the search box below to obtain as many links to downloads as you wish!!!!

La Lista de Sinde

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today I had one of the best moments of my life when Nano walked out the plane.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Today I became Licentiate on Physics :D!!!!

I feel really happy and I look forward to starting working hard, researching and all this stuff :) We've been given the greatest puzzle ever to be solved and now I have the means to deal with it!!

Nature: there I go!!! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mein Berlin!!

Schön!! Ich habe's geschafft!! Ich habe 'nen Platz auf 'nem Studentenwohnheim gekriegt, also ich muss mich keine Sorge mehr machen! Ich habe irgendwo zum schlafen, als ich nach Berlin ankomme --nächster September!!!

Immer noch, das Wohnheim ist ganz im Zentrum meines lieblingten Bezirkes Berlins! Der heißt Friedrichschain! Dort gibt's so viele tolle sache! Auf dieser Karte habe ich hingestellt die Sodersache die ich schon kenne, und auch mein neues Haus! Hier wird es neue Sache geben sobald ich neue Erlebnise erfahre :P!

Mein Berlin! auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Cool, man! I got it!!! I've gotten a place at a Students Residence, so I don't need to worry anymore!! I've got somewhere to sleep when I arrive to Berlin --next September!!!

Even better!! The residence is placed in the middle of my favorite district of Berlin! This is Friedrichschain!! There are so many fantastic things in there!! At this map I've set the many wonderful places I do already know, and also my new Haus! There will be new stands as soon as I got there and new adventures happen to me :P!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bye Bye, Elvira!

Al pasar las montañas del norte las nubes caen como cortinas pesadas cerrando los ojos. Puedo alargar la mano con la palma abierta hacia Granada y sentir los últimos rayos de sol que se me escapan como sombras. Puedo sentir el vértigo entre nosotros el aire seco y los kilómetros. Puedo sentir los campos duros y euclídeos que quise sembrar de gominolas para ti. Puedo sentir el frío en la nuca del tiempo y girarme entre la gente, elevar la vista sobre un horizonte de cabezas que no me dejan encontrarte y apretarme fuerte el corazón contener la respiración y esperar que me grites, que rompas la tabla de piedra rasa que nos separa. Espero que me agarres y me arrastres al Sur y no me sueltes y soltarme yo el corazón y dejarlo latir o caer al suelo.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Fish within my Hands

This is the place where I spent most of the summers of my life! Here I knew my very best shefriend Luchi, with whom I do still hung around when we both meet at the same city. I also had my sexual awakening, though I didn't know it was such thing...

I shared the summer time with my family: uncles & aunts, cousins, my mother, my grandparents...

We do still meet there. I don't go as often as before, now just some weekends; but much of my family does. Today it was a great day: we met almost everyone. I ate, slept a siesta, woke up, read the newspaper, went to the beach, laid down on the sand, talked a while with my cousins, made some postmodernist sand castles...

I swam along the shore. I love to do it naked, but today I didn't. Stopped swimming to talk to my cousin, who was approaching the water. In that moment a fish came and talked to me. I know he was talking to me, he had something to say. Swam all straight and touched my trunks, over and over again.
-Hey! There a fish in here --my cousin didn't want to come into the water.
I closed my hands around the fish. The fish came and kissed my hands. I moved all the way to the shore with the fish dancing within my hands. I knew the fish was from Torre del Mar and had come for me to dace a little bit with him. I showed it to my cousin, who wanted me to bring the fish home with me; but I released him. He swam up to the floor and faded away. I knew he'd returned to Torre del Mar, and I danced to wave goodbye into the sea.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Goodbye letter to HC

Nice try... but I have bad news for you: we all are rye in the rye. Also you are.

By the way, I'd never read a book that boring before. I don't care at all about your depressions and complexes: everybody have such. I don't care 'bout your intellectual doubts which seem kinda simple and antiquate. I also do hate from time to time... you know what the most? Those sonuvabitches which judge another people 'cause they don't have anything better to do. I have an idea for you: commit suicide!

I wonder if you did it at the end of the book... I'm stuck at the page one hundred and something... won't go further, by the way.

Today I'll sleep comfortably, no worries all about. Just some weed in my lungs and the certainty that we're all rye in the rye...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Heading North

    I write this sitting on a train with destination A Coruña, the city where I was born. I come right from Barcelona and before I've been in Granada (where I'm studying this year) for three days. The week before, I'd been in Valencia and before in Granada pre-again... And all of this is to head north! 

    I've finally been told, they accepted my solicitude to join the Berstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in Berlin. The next two years I'll be studying the brain from the point of view of the theories of the information. I'll live in the best city on the world!!!!!! 

    And now what? Yep, I need money... therefore I'm begging all around Spain. At interviews here and there, talking with people from many corporations, spar cashes, etc; trying to be kind to them, look well dressed, showing off my English and my German, eating some chocolate while traveling... 

    Sometimes I fall asleep on the train with my iPod music-ing me. Usually when it sounds some Radiohead stuff I kind of have some consciousness and feel the world around... but I'm so around the world that I'm unable to get through to myself anymore and forget whatwhere I'am. Sometimes, usually when some Radiohead stuff is playing I dream I'm back to there where I've never been to. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Have you got a label?

I do.

Today I went to don blood under request (a girl called home from the center of transfusions). When I got to the place they found out (just asking) that I'm in a homosexual relationship, which automatically excluded me from donning. Doesn't matter it's a monogamous relationship and that both of us have taken proofs recently. It matters that it's a homosexual relationship.

-You have to understand: recently we found 3 positives. All homosexual men which said they'd gotten protection... Maybe a new way for the infection as oral sex...
-Well, heterosexual couples also practice oral sex.

Up to one point I can understand: it's important to keep clean the patients. I wouldn't like to receive infected blood. But when I turned around and walked away I had a second to see the doctor writing in my file "homosexual relationship" and realized I'd gotten a label. Each time I intend to don, doesn't matter if I've been without sex (which hope it doesn't happen...) or whatever, a label will show up and say "ACHTUNG: THIS GUY IS NOT LIKE EVERY ONE".

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Laboratory at Home

Have you ever seen those nice experiments with materials on the surface of water forming awesome shapes when growing? They're in some way similar to those of a colonization spreading through a land. And both of these phenomena have a associated entropy, which is related to the order of particles living in our physical space...

If you wanna test all these things taking place at once, you don't need anymore a expensive laboratory under Switzerland nor a supercomputer solving equations. It's enough if you get to live with two guys from any Mediterranean island and let them take the control over your house during several months. After that, you just go back to the kitchen and take as much mesurements as you want on the greatest phenomena of the nature. You'll can see how a colony of cockroaches grows toward the kitchen's door, how the entropy on the sink increased till unbelieveble limits with filthy dishes overboilling the room; and finally, over a pan, you'll can observe how many different kind of bacteria, protozoa or fungi have spread out over the water in it forming a thin film with fractal shape like the one discussed here.

Have a nice day :D!

Monday, March 9, 2009

For free

Nice to attend a University and perceive that your efforts are appreciated. Nice to have Profs who want you to make some work on advanced topics and possibly to have them published in whatever-it's-called-that-scientific-review. Then you don't care not paying attention to your lectures, you don't care not doing the exercises for other Profs because you're going to publish something!! Amazing!! You might be useful for the world eventually.

But of course you're doing it for free: no money if you've not title yet. And you must be thanked because you have the chance, a great chance. The Prof will dispose of you as s/he wish and put and take away the work on/from you whenever s/he wants. You'll make a properly research work... indeed, the work the Prof was to make. Her/his name'll be of course the first and you may be happy if you are 3th or 4th...

Luckily, my tutor in my home university is not like that; but here, in Granada, many masters think they own the world...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Worst of the Nightmares...

...picture yourself you wake up a Monday morning and you find yourself in a country leaded by a pro-fascist party.

Picture yourself you was living in a country with a party which modernized the infrastructures and gave money for research and for the people to learn languages. You was living in a country where actions against the financial crisis had been energetically impulsed, abetting the investments in the regional economy and ensuring the workers in case of unemployment.

Picture yourself you study abroad with scholarships given by your government and wish to revert your work in your country. Picture yourself the huge amount of people studying abroad had the impression that your country was improving up.

Picture yourself the crowd you left behind in there, who have right to vote and so they do, doesn't want any improvement, nor security against the crisis, nor scholarships for their daughters and sons... picture yourself you go to sleep thousands of kilometers far away from your home and when you wake up you are in the worst of the nightmares...

Monday, February 23, 2009

The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.

After historical behave of the society facing art or scientific advances, it can not be stated that science has a reassuring function while art upsets. Actually, if we might assume there's a given function for art or science, this function has shown to be morphing through time in both fields.

By starting with the art, and in inverse chronological order: the power of the art to be upsetting is almost completely lost. If not for the staff working at the Tate gallery -as an instance-, a bunch of runners sprinting through the corridors of the museum is only remotely upsetting. Maybe so remotely that you have to look at the prices of such performances for them to be upset. Perhaps at Duchamp's time it was in there the value of the art, but nowadays we should search this value somewhere else or admit art hasn't got any value at all.
Neither historically is the stated point of view valid. Back to the XX's century avant-gardes, the value was found in the ability of seeing the world with new, eye-opening techniques which didn't necessarily present a direct attack to stated topics. As an instance, we can find a great number of religious work, not provocative at all, or purposeless paints or writings consisting only of experiments with forms, colors or rhythms.
Seeing further back into the past, the value of the art came to reside only in the ability of an artist to flatter high society members paying to get the works done. Though many revolutionary valuable oeuvres did actually upset and found through this its value to survive the pass of time, we can't dismiss the fact that truly great advance were made within the safe and comfortable aristocratic world such as the realistic pictures of well stated families, which lead to the develop of the dark chamber techniques; or the paintings of landscapes which brake with the realistic tradition.
Eventually, coming to the origins of art, we find the value of it in the magical notions attached to the symbols printed at jars or in jewels or inside paleolithic caves.

In researching about the value of the science as a reassuring mean, we find that historically science attacked -if not completely removed- the stated beliefs and faiths. As the better instance of such point, the history gifted us with the most influencing intellectual of the history: the biologist Charles Darwin, who even today is found to have a non pretended provocative attitude against the faiths and worships of certain groups. By means of his work "the origin of the species", Darwin directly attacked the deepest beliefs of his contemporaries and created a profound debate which only eventually and after a long time became to be seen as reassuring.
I think, Charles Darwin example shows up that the real value of science has been reassuring only in the scientific ambit, which accepted the results of the theories and experiments and further developed them. But in general, in the society, the real value came only through the removal of deep established topics which lead to a loss of reassured issues.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pick me up

Pick up my teeth from the floor if I fall.
Pick up my teeth and my soul
to kiss me at each and every dawn.

Pick up my chest from the sky if I fall.
Pick up my chest and my shine
to smile forth each and every dawn.

Pick up my mind from the void if I fall.
Pick up my mind and my voice
to start off at each and every dawn.

Monday, January 19, 2009


The exams are coming :S The exams are coming :S The exams are coming :S The exams are coming :S The exams are coming :S The exams are coming :S The exams are coming :S

So wish me good luck :D!